Join Our Team

To have meaningful work is a tremendous happiness
— Rita Mae Brown


Open Positions

We’re looking for people to join our team who are as excited as we are to help clients improve their ability and take ownership of their progress!


Our Values

  1. Honesty
    Always be honest to yourself, the team, and the patients.

  2. Care
    Look after the needs of patients, both physically and mentally.

  3. Positive Atmosphere
    Always encourage patients! Having a sense of humor helps.

  4. Observe

    Pay attention. Analyze the patient’s movement in conjunction with the equipment to ensure safety and maximize results.

  5. Innovation

    Always strive to find better ways to help patients. Don’t settle.

  6. Learn

    Be eager to learn. Understand everything about the equipment and the patients to maximize rehabilitation potential.

  7. Live By Example

    Don’t just talk the talk; walk it too. Be happy, strive to be your best, and live it.