

TC Lifestyle Neuro Recovery Programs

As a multidisciplinary clinic, we are pleased to offer an intensive rehabilitation program at TC Lifestyle based on successful models from around the world. In this program, you will participate in rehabilitation 3-5 days per week for 2-6 hours per day. The objective is to provide a high therapeutic dose of therapy to maximize rehabilitation gains.

What should I expect? In order to participate in this type of therapy, there will be a screening and application process. This involves a program intake form and possibly medical clearance from your physician to ensure the safety of your participation.

Why is this program unique? We use the combination of our clinical expertise and a wide variety of specialized equipment to help you achieve your goals. The equipment enables us to quantify your progress, provide objective real-time feedback, and provide the therapeutic dosing needed for change. This approach capitalizes on the neuroplasticity principles needed for motor learning and recovery. You can find more information about some of our specialized equipment here.

What will I receive? Your individualized program will be catered to your goals. Core outcomes and video analysis will be assessed at the beginning and end of your program block.

I’m interested! What do I do now? Please let us know you are interested in filling out our Client Inquiry Form. If you prefer, you can also call us at (604) 423-4878 or email us at, so we may start the process. We can’t wait to get started!

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Treatments focusing on the science of movement that helps restore and maximize physical function, motion and strength. We boast state-of-the-art technology, including the Lokomat Pro®, which has proven to dramatically accelerate our clients’ recovery process. Our team strives to develop comprehensive and intensive plans that aim to provide our clients with pain relief, functional ability and independence. 

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Occupational Therapy

Treatments to help develop, recover and maintain the meaningful activities of every day life. We assist clients achieve greater independence by promoting a focus on recovery.  Our goal is to assist clients with a full range of treatments that include basic lower body function such as walking to more complex hand and finger skills such as writing or tying your shoes.  Our superior treatment plan is designed to help clients quickly regain their ability to dress themselves, cook, and enjoy sports or hobbies.  (Coming soon)

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Massage Therapy

Rehabilitation Center seeks to maximize your rehabilitation ... Relieve your body of stress and pain with the help of our massage therapy treatments (Coming soon)


Speech Language Pathology

Speech-language pathologists assist clients with their ability to communicate.  We aim help clients relearn communication skills through individualized treatment plans.  These tailored plans aim to focus on each individual’s specific needs such as articulation, enunciation, and more. (Coming soon)